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Re-coning and Re-foaming



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Re-foaming or re-edging

A  high percentage of the repairs we perform involve replacing the rotten foam edge of a woofer. We have parts available for most brands and sizes from 5-inch to 18-inch. This is the most economical way to keep your favorite speakers alive and kicking, provided the voice coil is intact.


Cost: (just a pair of examples): Re-foam most 10-inch woofers: $40/each

                                                  Re-foam most 8-inch woofers: $38/each



 In cases where the voice coil is damaged or “open” (has no continuity, can’t pass a signal), we can re-cone most woofers from 5-inch to 18-inch. This involves removing all the “soft” parts from the original frame and replacing the cone, voice coil, spider and dustcap.

 It is vitally important to return a woofer to its original specs or the speaker won’t sound right. TLS has specialized test equipment and a huge database of Original Equipment specifications – this allows us to achieve a better match to the original manufacturer’s specs.

 Be suspicious if you can not get assurances that the re-cone will match the original – just because it looks the same DOES NOT mean it IS the same. Very often, in fact, a technically correct re-cone will look different than the original. The LoudSpeaker Store guarantees it’s re-cones will be within 15% (see FAQ page >link<) or less of the original specifications.

Cost (another pair of samples): Re-cone most 10-inch woofers: $67.50/each

                                                             Re-cone most 8-inch woofers: $60/each

 The above prices are for a very high percentage of woofers in use – thus the designation “most” woofers (also keep in mind this doe NOT include Pro woofers). There are a few woofers, however, that are so specialized that parts must be custom fabricated or modified to perform a technically correct re-cone job. One such example is the woofer used in the Speakerlab S-30. This speaker used two woofers, an 8-inch and 10-inch, in a unique, patented configuration known as the Nestorovic woofer system.

 In this system, it is especially critical that the woofers’ original specs are maintained or the system will not work. Some shops can put new parts in the frames and get the looks right. The LoudSpeaker Store has invested many hours researching a solution. After 9 months of testing dozens of parts and pieces, we are able to provide a re-cone that restores the woofers to their original specs and preserves the unique perfomance advantages of the Nestorovic woofer system.

 Cost: Recone Speakerlab W838B: $72/each

          Recone Speakerlab W1038B: $84/each


We also offer re-cone kits for the confident D.I.Y. customer.


Driver Replacement

 Occasionally we find an original/equivalent part (rare) that is less expensive than re-foaming or re-coning. This isn’t uncommon for woofers and mids in the 4-inch to 8-inch size. We always offer the most cost-effective solution to all of our customers, so rest assured – we’ll let you know if we can replace for less than it costs to repair.


Here are a few examples of the repairs that can be made:

(click on thumbnail for larger picture)


Boston Acoustics A100 10" Woofer (ca. 1983) - Before Re-edging

Same Boston Acoustics Woofer
after foam re-edge and new dustcap
Cost:  $40 + Tax and Shipping


Snell Type E - before.jpg (172059 bytes)

Type E after.JPG (136820 bytes)

Snell Type E - Before

Snell Type E - After




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Last modified: February 18, 2005